Hm. There are a few things where I'm just like Lois. I love chocolate. drool I don't let people get near me easily - pretty much like Lois in S1. Sometimes, I manage leaps of logic that are a lot like Lois' leaps. Oh, and I like to ogle Clark, too. Does that count? I can be very stubborn, especially when I'm right. (I always think I'm right, too.) And, of course, I play to win. (Sometimes, I'm a sore loser, too.)

With Clark I don't have that much in common, I fear. I'm a stickler for truth and justice and thus, rules. But that's it, I'm afraid.

My daughter, though, is a lot more like Lois. She has so much energy that I often call her 'my little tornado'. Also, like a real tornado, she leaves chaos in her wake. laugh She's stubborn and pig-headed and caring, but also often abrasive and hurting people with her comments. And she can argue (I'm sure she'll surpass Lois at one time), and she babbles constantly. (See, she already has surpassed Lois there.)

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)