Sammie's post inspired me ... so I figured I'd ask: What Lois & Clark-related phrases or quotes do you find yourself uttering on a regular basis? Or anything else that you find yourself doing that's reminiscent of the characters?

Basically, in what ways are you like Lois and Clark?

Like Lois, I drive too fast. I hate to admit I'm wrong. I work too much. I get mad if something I work hard on doesn't turn out perfectly. I started out as the youngest so have had to prove myself -- and am determined to surpass 'em all in the process. On any given day, I may not be in "the mood" to edit a story about a theater razing -- especially if there's REAL news going on. I secretly write romantic fluff on my office computer (clarification: no nfic scenes at work). I don't trust people easily, but when I do, and you cross me, watch out. I cheat when I do sit-ups. I'm more likely to be found eating ice cream. laugh

Like Clark, I really, really like pasta. wink I look at journalism not as just hard facts, but as a story to be told -- that comes with emotion. I try to do 10,000 things at once, and basically run until my reserves are all used up.

I tend to clap my hand over my mouth in utter mortification like Lois does after too much wine in "Lucky Leon," which is something I just recently realized I did.

Choice phrases include "Turnabout's fair play" (Return of the Prankster), "Mmm, I hate myself" (Lucky Leon) and "There is a fine line between brilliance and lunacy" (Madame Ex).

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"