clap to your comment Shadow that ice cream should be a food group! I couldn't agree more. I am not really a candy/cake or pie person but a huge fan of cookies and especially ice cream! Way back when I was just starting out in college, Mrs. Fields had a poster in her cookie stores saying something to the affect that cookies are the most important part of the day-a takeoff on the breakfast adage I guess. I'd take that a step further to include ice cream. smile

Back to this question, I am like Lois, in see above, lol. Also, the sweeter the treat the better. I do not care for sour at all. Give me the chocolate. In fact a little while ago I had some hot chocolate and as always made the milk chocolate before heating it up to pour into the cocoa powder. Something Lois would do, right?

Let's see..I also have a hard time telling (and sometimes showing)people, even those I am close to, how much they mean to me. Possibly because parts of my childhood were ridden with...let's just say dark times. I am much better than I was when growing up but still sometimes hard even though I am very much a feelings person. I may be quiet and reserved (unlike Lois) but like her, once someone or something has my support/or friendship, etc, they will know and I am very loyal (like Clark). and yes, I can be very stubborn and at times do strive for perfection a little too noticeably or much.

I am much more, however, like Clark. Again, in real life, you'd find me well real quiet and someone who appears a bit shy and even mysterious because of it. At heart I believe in the goodness of most all people and truly believe like Jewel sings in "Hands" when it comes down to it, nothing matters except for kindness-to yourself and those around you.

One last humorous note, comparision to Clark,I, too often eat like a six year old. I am VERY picky. I only wish I had Clark's metabolism.
