I haven't been here in years, but I just had to stop in and add to this thread (or start one if this one wasn't here!)...

I'm busy taking an online medical transcription course, which involves lots of medication names and other terminology, so we are encouraged to make lists of words as reference material - I add stuff manually as I come across it, or I dump stuff wholesale from other people's wordlists...

So just now I was searching for a particular drug that a dictator mentioned in the practice report I'm trying to transcribe, and there in my pharma list is the drug Metimyd - and off I went thinking about 'Smart Kids'!

Alas, this Metimyd is not stuff to make one smarter, as Metimide 5 did. According to my drugs manual it's a type of eye ointment, and a discontinued eye ointment, at that...


Onward and upwards!

Melisma (ducking determinedly back under her Rock to finish this horribly long, annoying report at long last...)

Clinics 3 or bust! - Me

Do or do not. There is no try. - Yoda

Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda