When you are in the movie theater watching “Night at the Museum” and Rebecca says that Sacagawea was helping Lewis & Clark explore the American West, your heart skip a bit with happiness and you ask yourself “What? Lois & Clark are in the movie?”

When you do the exact same thing one year later when watching the movie on DVD, having totally forgotten who Lewis & Clark actually were.[Wow, I'm really bad at history!]

When you buy your godson a superman costume, even though you know he likes Batman better. What’s the matter? He liked it!

When you are out with said godson and takes him to blockbuster and he picks up the Spiderman Cartoon you slip in the Superman Cartoon, and blames the cash register guy for making the switch. [He is five y/o, I don’t know for how long I can keep fooling him.]

And finally, when you read Superman comic book to him instead of a good bedtime story. I think that’s why he likes me so much!