Tank, I absolutely agree with you that my own worst problem with HoL is Lois's acceptance of Lex's proposal in the first place. Some people have argued that it makes sense, including Arawn, but it depends on how you see Lois. I don't see her as someone who would accept a marriage proposal just because she needs support or stability, or because she is desperately yearning for social acceptance, or because she would so, so much like to get rich.

And Lara, you and I should probably agree to disagree! wink Ah, but I agree with you that Clark most certainly couldn't blurt out his secret to Lois just because he fell in love with her the moment he saw her. He had to get to know her before he knew if he could trust her, and just like you pointed out, he had to consider her safety, too. (Ah, well - back in the comics in the seventies Lois never knew Superman's identity, but he treated her as his official girlfriend anyway and took her to dates in crowded public restaurants while he himself was dressed in his Suit, and he kissed her and danced with her in the busy streets of Metropolis while everybody was looking on... talk about being mindful of Lois's safety!!! :rolleyes: Honestly, Lara, you know that much of my anger at Clark is really anger at the way Superman treated Lois for so many years in the comics and movies, don't you?)

Okay, but if TV show Lois and Clark were just going to stay friends and partners, then it would have been okay for Clark to keep lying to her. But the closer he wanted to get to her, the more reason he had to tell her. I'll just insist that you can't ask a person to love you and trust you if you deliberately deceive that person about who you really are, by carefully hiding important aspects of yourself from your prospective loved one. If you do that to a person, then I really think you are being cruel to him or her!

Anyway, my mailbox isn't full anymore, so you can send me your private message now, Lara! smile
