Wonderful segment, Chris!

CJ busied himself in the kitchen, stuffing cartons in the trash and making coffee, while Lois waited for him on the sofa.
Well, after waiting for the dinner I hit this line first and was almost on my way out of the door forming a lynch mob as I thought you were welching out on us there. goofy Whew. Glad I was wrong. <G>

I still haven't found the time to read EMI (Bad reader blush ) , but this simply made me more determined to. laugh

Then they were reaching for each other, shyly. Almost tentatively. Their lips brushed together. He could taste echoes of their meal and the wine, and beneath that, the taste of her as they kissed.
Wooohooo! clap Seriously, <g> this was a very sweet and tender moment.

She was smiling at him.

Now he was finally at peace and ready to move on.

With Lois, if she would have him.

Still a little surprised Lois hasn't got to discussing any expectations CJ has based on seeing the other Lois and Clark together - she seems to be getting in pretty deep now and it seems strange to me that it hasn't yet occurred to her. Still, perhaps with Elyse out of the way... smile And maybe it's just because I'm eager to see that particular conversation that has me focused on it out of proportion. wink

If that isn't how it comes across, then I really need to change things. Could anyone else tell me if they thought 'afterglow' here?
I have to admit that the first line of the following scene, with her lying against his chest, made me think they'd just slept together and I did think, "Woah, that was quick!" <G>. But the next couple of paragraphs corrected my impression pretty quickly and I did realise my mistake within a few lines, so I don't think it was that big a problem. If you want input with intent to tweak it though, it was definitely the lying snuggled on his chest that prompted me to think of 'afterglow'.

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers