Wow, that's actually what they had planned to base season 5 on?
I haven't seen the final episode even the whole season 4 so I don't know what really happened or even about the baby. L&C was broadcast here in Manila but not after the show actually ended. I remember it was 1998 and the girls at my school were ogling over at Dean Cain. Back then I don't really watch the show ( I was 12, what do I know) But I have a faint memory of one episode it was Clark & Lois kissing while going inside a house(?) then people yelling 'surprise'(?) that's all I remember but it caught my interest then. I think I've seen few more episodes but that one episode is the only memory I have from the show.
I know it's from either season3 or 4 because I have S1&2 on dvd and it's not there.
So to answer the question, I probably wouldn't be here if L&C had bombed after the second season.
But if the show got syndicated then maybe I'll have some urge to check it out over the 'net just to know it's history.

You're the icing on my cake.
What's that?
Chocolate, of course.