I actually mean the tv episode of Lois and Clark that scene was taken from. I have WFBL and WLBM saved on a disk to read whenever I need to, but the scene where they are...um...being close on the balcony came from the TV series, right? I remember seeing that scene when it was playing a while back.

Here's the thing, I have the whole series on tape (I LOVE YOU FOR THIS, TANK!!! Lemme buy you coffee), but I don't want to watch ALL of seasons three to find it,(season three made me really impatient) I just need the title of the show so I can just do the one hour thing.

By the way, I was in fact reading WFBL this weekend, AGAIN, and I gotta tell you my favorite part is when Lois is questioning Clark about when he got exposed to the pheramone compound.

She asked him ..."So when you said you weren't really attracted to me?"

And then he's gotta rush up to her and hug her and tell her he is SO attracted to her...oh geez my heart just goes haywire right then, awesome, awesome writing thumbsup

But I also remember in the disclaimer that there were real episodes written into those stories and I specifically remember the balcony scene showing on TV, I just don't know which ep that was.