This little gem was inspired by TEEEJ, though she doesn't know it. smile While beta reading my current WIP, she admonished me for not giving AltClark any tissues when he'd been crying. Well... here they are TEEEJ. jump

From Wherever You Will Go (part 3)

She gathered him into her arms, her heart aching for him. “Shh, Clark. It wasn’t your fault. There wasn’t anything you could do. It’s not your fault.” He cried harder in her arms, the sobs wracking his body. She comforted him the best she could and thanked God that the same fate hadn’t fallen upon her and Jonathan. This poor boy had been through so much. She held him until he’d cried himself out.

He sat up slowly, embarrassed. “I’m sorry…I…I never told anyone before. Not everything.”

She smoothed his hair back and looked at him, nudging...K's arm didn't make contact with the box of tissues that was *supposed* to be there. "PROPS!"

<TJ off screen> "Sorry, CC and I...well...we got a little emotional during the last here."

A full box of tissues flew at K and Dean, hitting Dean squarely on the head.

Dean: "Ow! Thanks, I guess."

CC in hushed tones to TJ: "Do you think he'll let me kiss it better?"


Sorry CC, couldn't resist. jump


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