Everybody Kill Tempus Repeatedly, by Everybody

Director: TJ, you're going to step out of the shadows and go for Davies's legs right off.

TJgruffs: What's my motivation here?

Director: You're really pissed.

TJ nods and takes her mark.

Director: Action!

Tempus groggily wakes up in the alley next to the building where the bomb was set to go off, his body still tingling from the affects of the stun gun as he sits up and sudden panic setting in as he remembers there *was* a bomb, right?

He hears a soft chuckling from the shadows of garbage bins and trashcans behind him.

"The bomb is gone baby," he hears a low growl, as he turns toward the chuckling, "but that just means I get to have *MY* turn."

A shadow of a figure holding a baseball bat steps forward and breaks both his legs with a well-aimed blow.

Lane Davies: OWWWW!!! OH GOD!! She broke my legs!!!!

Director: CUUUUT!

Director speeds over to TJ who is preparing for another whack. He snags the bat just before she gets the swing begun. Lane Davies continues to writhe in pain on the ground, tears rolling down his face.

Director: You didn't get this from the prop department!!

TJ with satisfied grin: No, I brought my own.
