I had to submit this one before someone beats me to it...

From "That Old Gang of Mine":

Dillinger reaches for Lois' face but Clark pushes his hand away. "Leave her alone," he insists."

"What are you, her big brother?" Dillinger growls as he shoves Clark.

Clark recovers and starts toward Dillinger when Clyde turns and fires his guns three times directly at Clark's chest. Clark stops, stunned for a moment and falls to the floor. Lois kneels at his side, close to tears and reaches toward his face. Suddenly, Clark starts to giggle. "Sorry," he whispers.

Teri lets out an exasperated sigh and smacks Dean on the chest. He sits up, still grinning. "I'm sorry," he says louder, to the whole room.

"You moron," William reprimands Dean.

"Hey," Joseph interjects, "I thought I was the moron..."

"Cut!" Lorraine shouts, as the entire cast erupts into uncontrollable laughter. "That's it. It's late and we're getting nowhere. We'll finish this tomorrow." She walks off the set, shaking her head.


Anne >^,,^<

"I only know how to make four things, and this is the only one without chocolate." Lois Lane "All My I've Got a Crush on You 10/24/1993