you know what? since this one is just a placeholder until the current winner comes back to post again, i think i'll toss in a few captions...


"now, there were ten bank robbers. i knocked down eight of them with the last security guard. you ready? i'm going for the spare..."


(superman, singing to himself as he dives) "contact is the reason, is the moment, when everything happens. contact is the action is the ... 3, 2, 1... GOTCHA!"


"whew! caught you! where did you come from, anyway? you just dropped right out of the sky! wait a sec... why does your uniform say 'California HIway Patrol'?"


"don't worry, sir. i can help you up. it'll be no... whoa! you're heavy! what do you have, lead-lined pants or something? wow, i can barely lift you up. and let me tell you, i've lifted space ships into orbit. you've got to lose some weight, man."

"wha... but i..."

"april fools!"


"okay, i've got you! hands in the air!"

"what? but you knocked me down! how am i supposed to put my hands in the air now?"

"don't talk back to me, criminal!"

"but i'm the security guard! the guys in the black masks over there are the criminals!"

"oh... uh, right. sorry. been a long day..."

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.