"...and so he was all 'la-de-dah, i'm going to take your purse,' but i did this with my knee, which told him very clearly 'i don't think so.'"


"can you believe it, clark? perry's sending me off to interview some australian magician. as if there was nothing better i could be doing for him. but, no. i've got my assignment. i'm off to see the wizard, 'the wonderful wizard of oz.' <sigh> ... hey, think he'll like my red shoes?"


"i just saw 'the karate kid' again, clark, and i can't believe the stupid stuff they pulled. there's no such thing as a crane kick. it makes no sense. i mean, there is a crane stance. that goes like this... ack! help, clark! i forgot! you can't do the crane stance while wearing a skirt! i'm going to fall over!"


clark's thoughts: i have no idea what lois is ranting about this time but hey, check out those legs!


"he's going to do what to my hair? okay, that's it! no more! i am through with this story. i'm just walking right off the page. tank can very well write it with out me, if that's what he wants to do."


clones and frogs and schemes to replace the president and amnesia and... that's it, clark. we're going to vegas!

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.