ooo. great pic, kae! smile let's see what we can do with it... laugh

so, lois, want to find out what else super speed is good for? eh? eh?

i don't believe it!
i told you.
i thought toni was just making it up!
chickens actually dance when you get them drunk?
and you actually went and got chickens, got them drunk, and brought them out here just to show me?
do i even want to know how you got the chickens drunk?

i told you i could do it.
the cars...
yep. 10 of them.
they're all...
neatly stacked.
i didn't mean for you to actually do it. i just meant, hypotheically, that you could help with the parking problem...
oh. well, look at it this way. gives a whole new meaning to "10-car pile-up!"

you did it...
an entire truckful.
you ate an entire truckful of twinkies!
so i did.
in less than 5 seconds.
yup. so, about that 5 bucks...

i told you there were kangaroos in north america.
because you few them here! that's cheating!

not bad, huh?
uhm, yeah... not bad.
where'd you get the ice?
super breath.
and how did you...?
heat vision.
why did you...?
because i wanted you to know i agree.
you made an ice sculpture of the woman from the adoption agency because...
you said she was an icy --
dont say it. we're in public.

so, what do you think?
speechless, huh?
it's my masterpiece.
i call it "lex under glass." no more evil last-minute escapes for him. he'll just have to wait there, stuck under an imprompto super-speed manufactured glass dome, until the cops come to pick him up. pretty nifty, huh?
... did you remember to leave air holes?
air holes. so he can breathe. so you're not charged with murder.
oh, right. because he can't hold his breath for 20 minutes. i keep forgetting. give me a sec...

so, do you like it?
it's... it's...
where did you get it?
i made it.
you made it?
well, i had some help. had some people in switzerland provide the materials, and help me make the mould. obviously, i couldn't do it myself, since i had to be inside the thing...
you did that? for me?
yeah. i thought you could use a pick-me-up. it's been a rough week.
is it...?
solid? you bet. nothing but the best for you, lois.
oh, wow. thank you! oh, thank you isn't enough, but how do i express my grattitude for.. for...
a one-of-a-kind life-size solid dark chocolate superman? seeing you happy is thanks enough.
awww! but.. one thing...?
how do i get it into my apartment?

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.