linda: so, i was thinking... maybe i should ask clark out. on the other hand, superman is, well, super. then again...

linda: well, you know, i actually had thought of getting married. i just didn't want to be tied down. kind of ironic, considering our current cirtumstances...

linda: hey, guys... you don't really need me. this is lois lane over here. she's all the hostage material you need. you can just let me go, really.

linda: so, lois, what do you think of my new belt? kind of slenderizing, isn't it?

lois, to her captors: you evil scum won't get me to talk! no way i'd ever even consider --
linda: i'll do it.

linda: as long as we're stuck here, we might as well talk. you know, lois, i've been trying out this new perfume, based on orchid extract. i'm not quite sure if i like it.
lois: so that's why i feel like i have to sneeze!

linda: so, i was thinking... when this is all over, maybe we can all go out to celebrate... you, me, clark, whatever guy you can dig up to pretend to be your boyfriend...

linda: hey, excuse me, kidnapper guys? if we're going to be here a while, could i get a club soda or something?

linda: you know, this whole thing has given me a new perpsective. i'm starting to think that maybe preston isn't the guy for me, after all...

hmm. i had another one last night, after i logged off, but it's gone. i'll add it or repost or something if it comes back. meantime, these will have to do... laugh


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.