I remember being intrigued by the preview ads that summer of 1993. I was a big fan of the first two Superman movies (although not overly fond of the geeky Clark character). And I know that I watched the pilot, or at least part of it, because I distinctly remember the scene with Clark trying on all the different costumes, and I remember being surprised by some of the changes from the movies.

But I didn't keep watching. I don't know whether to blame my son (who was almost one at the time) or my husband (I know that we sometimes watched SeaQuest). Maybe I'll blame both of them laugh

Next thing I remember is seeing an ad for the season finale where they talked about Lois marrying Lex. And that horrified me! That was just so foreign to everything I believed in, so there was no way I was going to watch that!

Fast forward to 2001. One morning I had some extra time in the morning routine, and channel surfing brought me to Tempus Fugitive. Wow. I love time travel stories. And who was this "gorgeous" guy in glasses? I'm not sure how long it took me to figure out exactly what I was watching, and I don't remember how much of the episode I got to watch, but I was definitely interested...

I didn't see every episode from then on, but I saw enough to know that by the time Season 1 came around again, I had to be ready with the VCR.

I also got a good friend of mine hooked on the show as well. While I was still taping daily, we had to leave town very suddenly for several days on a family emergency. So I contacted my friend Wendy and asked her if she could tape L&C for me. When I got back and called her, almost her first words to me were "the man who plays Clark is so gorgeous!" She became a fan on her first episode, The Dad Who Came In From the Cold.


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5