I used to be a Star Trek fan. I mean, I used to go to conventions and everything. Even owned a uniform.

Anyway, I first saw the pilot at a Star Trek convention. I think it must have been in January 1994; certainly it was before the pilot was shown on BBC1 here.

I'd always had a soft spot for Superman, and was always more interested in Clark Kent than Superman, so I was automatically hooked.

Seeing the show at the convention meant that I was all eager and primed for it to turn up on the TV screens.

BTW, when all this was going on, I was living in Birmingham, renting a room in a shared house. It wasn't until a few years later that I got a hand me down VCR, so I have a very long suffering father to thank for endless videoing and tape hording until I could go home for a weekend. Then I would stay up very late in the evenings to catch up on my Lois and Clark (re)watching, with some ST: TNG episodes thrown in for good measure.

I still have the LnC tapes, but the ST tapes went to that VCR in the sky about three years ago when I moved into a flat with only a limited amount of storage space. I guess that shows where my allegiances now lie.
