1. Lois: Partners?
Perry: You and Kent. The experience of the battle-scarred veteran paired with the hunger of the exciting, fresh talent.

Lois: I am not that scarred, and he is not that exciting.

Perry: Your tenacity. His tact. Believe me, Lois, the two of you, there's chemistry there. It's gonna make for great stories.

Lois: But, Perry, partnership, it's like marriage.

Perry: That's right. You've got to work at it.

Lois: It takes patience and understanding, a willingness to be supportive.

Perry: I know, honey. Fake it.

Episode - Requiem for a Superhero

Here's an easy one...

"Uh, okay, you got me, I wanna borrow your clothes."

Who, to whom, when...?


Trask: Does Superman have any telepathic powers?
Lois: (blushing) I hope not.