Yikes--bear with me...I'm editing my edit dizzy

"Strong women don't need a superhero to back her up, but it doesn't hurt to have one on speed dial."
I had made bold:

--should it read " A strong woman doesn't need a superhero to back her up, but it doesn't hurt to have one on speed dial" ?

but I also should have made a few more words bold blush . I should have posted:

--should it read " A strong woman doesn't need a superhero to back her up, but it doesn't hurt to have one on speed dial" ?

(also--now there'd be two 'doesn't's in the sentence...maybe one could be made into 'does not'?

The rest of my post was a-okay though party


"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~