Thanks so much for all the info!

The scripts aren't 100% accurate to what was finally aired. Like in the Prankster script Lois brings Woody Allen films to Clark's apt, and not Mel Gibson (the Woody Allen line was also used on some of the dubbing into other languages).
I had remembered reading that someone had mentioned that previously in another thread--that the scripts aren't totally accurate--so I was double checking the DVD's if something seemed 'off' ....ironically, when I was looking for the 'chocolate/rockie road' conversation (from TJO-thanks for helping with locating, btw smile )in the script, instead of 'chocolate vs. rockie road' they actually had a 'row boat v. a speed boat' conversation....definitely a much better scene talking about ice cream--but was sorta entertaining reading the initial idea for the scene clap

He speaks Chinese, so he must have visited China (or lived there for a while). I don't know if he says Mandarin or Chinese, but this during the whole Chinese food scene in the Pilot.
Thanks for the reminder---which helped me to remember that he 'can order dinner in 347 languages' (from LL) both bits of info help to illustrated how much of a 'world traveler' he is...

I don't think Linda King counts as Lois's past love life . Paul's last name was Bender (just like Lex's attorney's name). She describes her love life like a Federal disaster in Virtually Destroyed. Doesn't Lois mention dating that football player in high school in It's a Small World? I can't recall exactly.
I'll make sure not to include Linda King blush LOL....thanks for the 'federal disaster' line from VD. I looked into IASWAA, and she dated Joe Malloy in high school (it was her 'dating a quarterback phase' and didn't last long, she stated). Hadn't thought of him!

We learn in Never on Sunday that Clark worked in Jamaica in a story about gun runners, when he was a green reporter. Matt Young and Rod Clemens led Clark to believe that John Hendricks was responsible for the gun smuggling, when they were the real culprits. Clark’s story ruined John Hendricks’s life and he came to Metropolis years later as Baron Sunday, seeking revenge.

Lois was an exchange student in Ireland where she got to know Patrick Sullivan.
Great info--appreciate it and had forgotten all about it smile ...thanks!

Mind if I pick your brains a little more?

-Where did Lois and Clark go to college? Was it ever mentioned? For some reason I keep remembering a 'Met. U' (or Metropolis University) for Lois--but not sure if my mind is making things up, or I'm getting it from a fic confused

-Clark played football in college (ASU)...did either of them play any other sports in high school or college?

-Lastly, I'm a bit confused on the Congo storyline--and apologize if I'm way off here...we learn that Alt. Clark's Lois (I'll call her Alt. Lois) disappeared and was lost on assignment in the Congo on a gun running story. In 'The Prankster' we learn that Lois' first big story was an expose into the arms business (Kyle Griffin was designing high tech weaponry which was then sold to third-world countries, and he was put in prison for treason). Are these two stories the same 'Congo' story--with different outcomes to the different Lois'? Or are they totally different stories and the real Lois never had anything to do with anything 'Congo' related? huh

Trying to gather some background 'what they've been up to' type conversation...thanks smile

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~