Originally posted by Mouserocks:
I just remembered something, too. I don't know if this is just a me thing or what, but I tend to think to music (why I don't always like pop music). I don't know why, but for some reason whenever I'm driving and thinking about a story (about 90% of the time) I kind of create like a minin music video in my head out of my story and edit it down to match the pace of the song. Then, when I hear the song later I can associate the story with it and kind of work on it in my brain. Also, I listen to the same song on repeat a lot, so I can really get going with that...

Might be just an obsessive me-thing.
That makes sense, not that I have that talent in any means. But I've heard of people using words or clues to try and help them remember facts for tests or people's names (There was even an episode of Hanna Montana where she learned the bones of the body to music). I've heard of the concept, but being able to remember one fact vs. the other made no sense to me (putting them to song, does, on the other hand, make more sense.)

Music often inspires me. I'm a bubble-gum oldies fan (truly believe I should have been a teenager in the 1950s - possibly a former life smile ), so often songs from the 50s-60s (and into 70s and rarely the 80s - even though that was my decade) make me imagine what Lois and Clark might think if they heard such a song, where they would have to be in their life to have it inspire them or be to have it mean something to them, (which is why 'Green-Eyed Monster', and even 'Missing Lois' have many song references in them). I've even come up with an alt-ending of 'Wrong Clark' inspired by music (I'm trying very hard not to keep WC less of a music themed story), so I'll torture my Readers with that at some time after I finish that story (it's more of a tongue and cheek spoof ending version, although the plot would be the same). evil

I'd love to do a story where of like the musical demon from Buffy\'s musical episode visits Metropolis and sets everyone to song. Sadly, that would work better in a more visual medium.

Okay, sorry, went totally off topic. blush So much for my focus. :rolleyes:

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.