Ahem. Sorry. Did you say focused?? blush

No. Not focused. Absolutely unfocused and very easily distracted. Obsessive, yes. Compulsive, definitely. Focused... Ooh! Shiny object!

Well, I recently did a count and I have seven half-published stories in the works and many, many others on hold (across different fandoms too, though they're mostly LnC or Castle). I have a lot of writing and art projects to do for school and a million and a half family issues to deal with... Plus every now and again I revisit some of my own stories that I swear one day I'll visit... Then there's tv shows that I don't intend to get addicted to, and movies to see, and friendsto hang out with etc, etc... The one thing that actually does work in my favor is my obsessive/addictive personality. I can stay focused on one thing for a period of time, and pretty much only that... It absorbs into my mind. The trouble is the rest of life's distractions getting in the way. I hate having to do things. grumble But at least I'm good at list making, and when I've got a schedule I work about ten times better.

If anybody does have other tips though, I'd love to hear them...

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain