
I think the fun categories would be more easier to nominate in if when looking at a list of 100 stories people's eyes didn't glaze over and they start mumbling because they couldn't remember if a story was funny or a tear-jerker or one of those odd ones that mixes the two ( wave ) Maybe for 2014 we could have threads in FanFic Related folder that said, if your story was a comedy (or action or WAFF or Alt-Dimension / Next Gen / Elsewhere, etc) and is on the eligible list, put it one this list, so people say. Okay, here are all 20 comedies eligible. I liked these 4 the best; I'll nominate those. I believe that would make the nomination process easier, especially for people who don't visit the boards on a regular (hourly, daily, weekly) basis or have limited time.

Speaking as a not-so-new newbie (old newbie?), the Kerth Awards seem a bit intimidating. (Especially for those of us who have been VERY Clark-patient in visiting the IRC.) Some of our newer members might not realize that this isn't the Oscars(r), and that one doesn't need to have written an Archived story to nominate or vote in the process. You just need to have read a story you like (preferably read them all, but that just the writer in me speaking) and want to show that writer how much you appreciated their story and give them their due. If you only had a chance to read 10 new stories this year, but one of them either moved you to tears or made you laugh so hard you... well, you know... or sucked in you into their universe so completely, when you next looked crossed-eyed away from your screen, you noticed that it was now a different day, those authors & stories should really get a nod (i.e. nomination). You DO have to be a member of the Boards (is that not correct?) with a member name / alias / pen-name to vote, but that doesn't mean you have to give up your lurker status. The Kerth Comm is very privacy conscious and won't give away your e-mail address to spammers. I've been here for 3 years now and I have yet to... well, best not tempt those fates by mentioning it aloud... but you know what I mean.

I believe if the list of eligible stories and attached links to them were to come out significantly sooner (as they seemed to do in 2012) it would make nominating stories easier. The jumping between screens trying to figure out which stories you liked, and then trying to find them on the boards/Archives to make sure it was the correct story can be frustrating for some, especially those of us with limited time to drop by.

Once we get past the nomination process and head into voting, would it be all that difficult to send an e-mail to all the nominated authors? Perhaps letting them know that they've been nominated for XYZ stories / categories, so those who maybe busy in RL or writing (or both) can be nudged into dropping by the boards and voting themselves (although, not necessarily for themselves), or at least stop by the Awards. I know there was usual circumstances for this year's nominations process, voting, and awards, but tying down firm dates and times way in advance would be helpful as well.

I find the quizzes were lots of fun and hope continue into the future. Plus, they are a great way to get us to refresh our memories on the stories eligible for the awards.

People, I currently have a goal of over-flowing Labrat's inbox by August 1, with stories to be Archived, and I know I can't do it on my own. wink It's the surest way to know your KB count (and which category your story will fall into) and to be automatically eligible to be nominated. So, if you've posted a story recently (or not so recently), join with me to send them to Labby (who I'm sure would also accept applications for new GEs if you are grammatically inclined).

Now that I've rambled on like Lois, I better go post my next part of my epic to break all epics' back. Oh, and K-Comm clap thanks for all your hard work. notworthy We do appreciate you. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.