Did someone say Batman? hyper

Please let me know if any of my details are just plain WRONG:

2) Batman is more violent than Superman and does not live by Superman's code (work within the system, tell the truth, don't harm humans, never kill - even bad guys)
Close. Batman fights dirty, but he never kills. Also, he detests guns. Absolutely hates them. Of course, don't be fooled into thinking he's somehow less dangerous because of that. wink

3) Batman carries a piece of Kryptonite with him 'just in case'
- Superman goes bad
- Superman wants to 'capture Batman' - the vigilante
- ???
Batman is a case of "Be prepared for ANY eventuality." Canonically, he has Kryptonite in case Superman goes rogue and has to be stopped. Depending on which version of Batman you're dealing with, either he got this Kryptonite himself, or Superman gave it to him personally just in case.

My questions about Batman:

1) Does Batman have his own 'code of conduct'?
1. Thou shalt not kill.
2. Thou shalt not use firearms, because guns are what killed Mom and Dad.
3. Thou shalt not harm Alfred, nor let any harm come to him.
4. I'm Batman.


2) What is the official story of how Batman meets Superman? How did they become friends?
That depends on which version you're reading.

In the Golden/Silver Age comics, Bruce and Clark were stuck in the same cabin on a cruise ship and had to change into their alter-egos at the same time. They became friends instantly, because in Golden/Silver Age comics, *all* good guys are friends.

In more recent stories, though, I'm not sure what the official meeting is, or if there even is one. It basically seems to come down to them being forced by circumstance to work on the same case(s), though.
3) Any information about Wayne Enterprises and/or Wayne Foundation.
One's a business, one's a charity. wink

I think you have cart blanch on what they are and what they do, or even how long they've existed. But someone else can correct me if I'm wrong.

In Batman Begins, Wayne Enterprises was owned by Bruce's father. I was under the impression, though, that outside of the movie, Wayne Enterprises was started up by Bruce himself using the money he inherited. This could be totally wrong, though.

4) Any other juicie and fun tidbits that I might be able to use.
Yes. laugh

*Thomas Wayne was a wealthy surgeon. His wife, Martha, was a "socialite".

*In one of the earliest tellings of Batman's origin, only Thomas was shot -- Martha had a "weak heart" and died from the shock of seeing him killed.

*In some tellings, the killing of the Waynes was a normal mugging-gone-wrong. In others, it was actually an assassination: Thomas had angered a mob boss by refusing to help him.

*In the mob-boss scenario, there's also the idea that Thomas dressed as a Bat-Man for a costume party. This may have influenced Bruce's later fashion decisions.

*In most tellings, the movie the Waynes had gone to see was Zorro -- a story of a rich guy who puts on a mask and fights injustice.

*Batman is considered to be a lapsed Catholic or possibly Episcopalian (Catholic Lite wink ).

*Before becoming Batman, Bruce spent a lot of time in Asia.

There's a lot more trivia, though I'm not sure what you need, so feel free to PM me if you need something more specific. smile

5) Any links to help me in my research would also be most helpful.

Thank you for any help you can supply.
Links...let me switch PCs and I'll see what I can dig up for you. smile
