Unfortunately clicking an icon won't automatically load an epub or mobi file into your e-reader. That would be an ideal way to go about it, but I don't know if that's even possible -- if so it's above my understanding.

So currently, getting the epub or mobi file into your e-reader is a multi-step process that involves downloading the file to your hard drive, then copying the file to your device, in whatever way your device supports.

lcfan99, have you tried right-clicking on the green icon and choosing the option "Save As" or "Save Link As" to save the Kindle-compatible mobi file to your hard drive? That's what I've been doing on my laptop running Windows.

Here's what I do to get archive stories onto my Kindle: Right-click on a green icon and save a mobi story to my hard drive. Once I've done that, I connect the Kindle to my PC with the Kindle's USB cable. The Kindle is then recognized as another drive by my PC. I load Windows Explorer (but you could use "My Computer" or any file manager) and then drag the mobi file from my hard drive into the Kindle's document folder. After I've unplugged the USB cable, the story shows up at the top of the Kindle's list of documents.

I know there are ways to e-mail documents to your Kindle's e-mail address, but I haven't tried that with mobi files. It ought to work, though.

If you're running on a Mac with a single mouse button, I'm not sure how you go about right-clicking to save a file to your hard drive, but I think you can left-click while holding down the Control key to accomplish the same thing.

Artemis, have you tried right-clicking to download the epub file to your hard drive? I guess each e-reader is a little different, but I'm guessing when you connect the Sony Reader to your PC it shows up as a drive just like the Kindle does. And then you'd copy the file over.

I've been meaning to do a Kindle tutorial and will try to do one soon. I\'ve done one already for getting epubs onto iPhone/iPod Touch Stanza but not yet one for Kindle.

I hope that helps! Please let me know if it didn't.

Artemis, I'm very curious about how our epubs look in the Sony Reader, so if you get it to work, could you let me know how it goes?

lcfan99, as for how to make a story into an ebook, I've been using two programs: Sigil , to make the epub file and define chapters for a table of contents; and Calibre , to convert the epub file to mobi, preserving table of contents. I tried using KindleGen to create mobi files, but the table of contents fell out. I guess Calibre could probably be used for the whole project, but Sigil makes it so darn easy. (Doranwen scouted out that program, and a wonderful find it is.)

Best wishes,


P.S. Michael, I'm still digesting what you've written. Thanks for the links and the offer of help with XSLT! You may end up regretting that! laugh

I'm still in the "See Spot run" stage with all this, so it'd be a long time before I'm in the position of framing intelligent questions. notworthy