For me the timing of the revelation is everything. There are three key points where the revelation can take place and Lois's reaction has to fit within context.

S1: For me, Lois doesn't have much reason to be particularly upset in any S1 revelation. Clark hasn't been lying to her for that long and the trust had to develop. This leaves a lot of area to play with but I think a big – negative Lois reaction here is inappropriate. I can easliy see a very calm reaction right up until the end of S1. (In fact, I just wrote one. smile )

Early S2: This can go either way. She can be upset at Clark for not being more open earlier and for not warning her about Lex, but it still hasn't been that long yet.

S2 – Post TOGOM: This is the crossover point. Now Clark has been lying for two years including putting her through hell when he pretended to be dead. I can't think of a way to realistically do a post TOGOM revelation without Lois being angry.

So, that means for me, if you are off-canon, you can have Lois as calm as the situation dictates. However, if you are staying on or near canon, then TOGOM is the cut point. Before that she could be calm, although I have a hard time accepting a too calm reaction even in early S2. In my mind, a calm Lois reaction after TOGOM is inconsistent with what came before.

Just my thoughts.