I love scones, but they are not baking powder biscuits. It's sad to know England may never have experienced them. It may be an American invention because we didn't have yeast in the early days.
Also you can buy them in the grocery store in the refrigeration section in paper tubes. You break open the tube, place to shape on a baking sheet and bake it.
Here's a Pilsbury site with a picture of biscuits:
Also a breakfast tradition is "biscuits and gravy". The white gravy with sausage pieces in it is poured over hot biscuits. The two items are kept separate on a buffet and you combine the two on your plate to your ratio of gravy to biscuits. This is very popular in the free breakfasts in hotels.
but the parking areas outside homes are covered with a roof on pillars, to give some protection from the elements, but the sides and front are open to the air).
This is a car port, attached to a house in the southwest of America where there is no or little snow for winter and the car won't freeze. It is basically to keep the car in the shade.
Thanks for your replies.

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