Hi Shadow,

No laughter from me. The character I least like writing is Lois. I prefer writing in the S1 and S2 time frame; but, to be completely candid, I don't like the early Lois -- to put it politely, she is too "driven" for my tastes. Frankly, I just don't see what appealed about her to Clark then. Yes, she was beautiful, intelligent, and independent; she was also unscrupulous (committing breaking and entering and theft without thinking twice, if it would help her get a story), hot-tempered, thoughtless and mean (repeatedly insulting Clark to his face) and ruthless (stealing a story from her partner. And although she at least claimed to be remorseful afterward, I don't recall her ever trying to make the situation right by asking Clark's forgiveness and then confessing to Perry - those would have been the true signs of genuine repentance.). On the one hand, she wasn't a nice person; but OTOH, she wasn't evil, so she isn't fun to write in the way a good villain would be.

She softened considerably in S3 and S4. I like her much better in the latter seasons. Unfortunately, I disliked the plots of most of the latter seasons enough that I tend not to write my own fiction in those seasons.

If you've read my stories, you may have noticed that they tend to be from Clark's POV and often have minimal Lois involvement. If she is there, she primarily serves as love interest and motivation for Clark. (Ann, in case you are reading this: My treatment of Lois has nothing to do with her gender and everything to do with Lois' character in particular. Had she been more like her S3 and S4 self in the first part of the series, I would undoubtedly be including her as a more major character in my stories.)

So, Shadow, you aren't alone in having a hard time writing about a main character.
