So amongst the episodes that Labby, Carol, and I have recalled, we have averaged a bit over a flight a year; that might still be doable in terms of expenses and the wear-and-tear of travel. (In those pre-9/11 days, travel was a lot easier, after all.)

What I find a bit less plausible is that *farmers* could drop whatever they are doing and take off at a moments' notice so often. I am sure that in a pinch the Kents could ask the Irigs or other neighbors to help out, but I would guess that that request would start to get real old real fast -- after all, their neighbors surely are busy with their own farms.

But then again, if I were really concerned with things like plausibility, there are a lot more obvious nits to pick on LnC. I enjoy the show as much as the next FoLC, but I'll freely admit that it takes a huge amount of suspension of disbelief to do so. But the quality of the writing, acting, etc. is so high on the show, that I am willing to overlook the myriad scientific impossibilities and just sit back and have fun watching.
