I steal lines from the show on a constant basis. In fact, I doubt I've written any stories that don't have at least a line or two from the show. To acknowledge that, I put at the beginning of my stories, the following disclaimer:

This is a fanfic based on the television show, Lois and Clark:
The New Adventures of Superman. No copyright infringement is
intended. I'm borrowing these characters for a little fun and
not for any profit. For a complete disclaimer, go to:
And if you go to www.thompsonlawoffice.ca/Disclaimer.htm , you will find this:

These stories are fanfic based on the television show, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. No copyright infringement is intended.

I do, however, use characters from that show in my stories. I might keep the characters absolutely consistent with the way they are in the series or I might use a little literary license in portraying the characters. Either way, I recognize that the characters I borrow from the show are not mine.

I also use portions from the various episodes of Lois and Clark in my stories. Sometime I might use these portions in context and sometimes I might use them out of context. The portions taken from the series might include, but are not limited to, using actual words, phrases and/or sentences, paraphrasing, twisting sentences around to change the meaning, using larger segments and/or simply alluding to an idea. I sometimes have the same characters say or think a particular line, idea and/or segment and sometimes I give those lines, ideas and/or segments to someone else. Wherever such portions are used, I make no claim to being the author and give credit to those to whom it is due.

Furthermore, I recognize that putting the above disclaimer on my stories does not justify any breaches of copyright and/or breaches of trademark which might be contained herein. I rely on two things to keep from being sued. First, the mercy of WB and any and all other holders of rights to the series, the individual episodes and/or the characters. Second, I rely on the fact that I am not deriving any profit from either the writing or the posting of these stories.
What can I say? I want to be sure to cover all possible bases. laugh And as Labby pointed out:

And in general legal terms it's no more a breach of copyright than using the characters etc from the show to write fanfic in general.
ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane