Well, since I am currently at the beginning of a whole bunch of episode rewrites with the "All the Daytime and the Nighttime" series, I thought I would explain my thinking.
Since we have a Kerth category called
Best Episode Adaptation: Stories which alter the events of, or start from some point in, a particular episode. Includes adaptations, continuations, and rewrites.
I assumed it was legitimate to quote dialog directly as long as you credited the writers in the Author's Notes. I really wouldn't seem to be a rewrite if you didn't. Turns out their writing is often way better than mine, but they are pros of many years standing. I feel it gives and authentic feel to the new concept.
I think of it as similar to a "cover", "tribute", or "remix" of popular songs with new artists.
My plan is to add more explanation to the author's notes when I send it to the Archive.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis