Hi Editorjax smile

You are much more of an expert on the subject of writing and protocols than me, so I doubt I can be of much help to you but you have got me a little worried.

I have only just started writing, but have been reading fanfic and nfanfic for a long time. When I wrote my first nfic I didn't really think twice about using direct quotes from the show in places, as I thought I had seen it done many times before.

As I was doing an nfic re-write of an episode, it seemed to fit best to use some extracts of the original dialogue as I wanted to stay true to the essence of that episode (Just Say Noah).

I did credit the original writers at the start and was of the impression (rightly or wrongly) that as long as I wasn't attempting to suggest the words from the ep were mine or making a profit from them I wasn't doing anything wrong.

I'm no lawyer (well I actually I am but I deal with real estate not copyright etc!) so I was simply acting on what I thought I had seen done before.

I am in a similar situation to you in that I am in the middle of another nfic episode rewrite, and although this one deviates a lot more from the original I have still used some of the dialogue (and quoted some past eps).

As I said, I doubt I have been of much help to you, but I am anxious for some feedback on this before I post the next part of my story as it is currently stands.


"There's a fine line between brilliance and lunacy" - CK to LL(Madame Ex)