I wonder if I could say something else... if somebody hasn't already done so.

I've noticed that in many of the fandoms they want us to give reasons why they should make us a member. Even in this one (for the NFanfic access) we have to state explicitly that

"I'm a fan of L & C and older than 18. So, please grant me access... blah blah..."

So, why not add another field in which we ask them if the members-to-be know what plagiarism is and ask to to solemnly swear not to do it? If they don't know what it is, then please go google it, learn what it is and come back later!!!

I mean, it would at least prevent them (those who actually have something called conscience) from giving an excuse like:

"Oh is it wrong? I never knew. I thought stealing words is not actually stealing..."

huh It was just an idea...


( oo * Work) + (1 * Hubby) + (2 * Kids) = 0 * Time