And there I go, right into the "embarrassed and apologetic" category. wallbash

For the record, I love Yvonne's writing and have often raved about it. I was annoyed and being flip because I thought the little thief had written the other stuff herself in a lame attempt to "make it her own" and I lashed out without even reading it closely. I just knew it wasn't mine. Sorry, Y.

Though I must say, the fact that she took another story from to add?? That just boggles me even further. And here I'd been wondering if I should be posting all my fic to myself as a way to protect this from happening in the future. Obviously not!

ETA: I haven't reported it to the LJ site yet, Wendy. I have a mental block about how to do things like pasting screen caps on LJ -- it's been years and I still have to consult the FAQ each and every time, LOL -- and as such, it would have required more mental effort than I had energy for today.