You know what could be fun?

Jimmy Olsen: Evil mastermind

This whole time, that affable, eager, sometimes bumbling personality... A facade created to hide his secret machinations.

We know he's a computer and electronics genius. A whiz kid capable of building a media empire with the entire DP as only a small subsidiary. Add in years of subtle, behind the scenes planning, and... who knows? angel-devil

Or, for that matter, Cat Grant, pulling a Mindy Church?

Some interesting possibilities with Sam Lane, as well.

But, if you mean "in character"... That makes things tougher. The ones with the best villain potential were already revealed to be villains. There were good guys and bad guys and not that many people in between except for incidental characters (innocent bystanders, assistants, etc).

Hmm. There was that one ep where Doc Klein had a girlfriend. Young, beautiful genius who (supposedly?) idolized and worshiped him.

Oh, what about Baby Gunderson (Sam Lane's robot girlfriend)? Or is that too cliche?

Is this at all what you meant?

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.