I'm happy to say that I can guess my own work 100% of the time. wink Other than that you could say that I'm a nice gal, but not very bright. goofy If I hadn't caught a glimpse of story notes on my hubby's computer (so sorry, dear) I would have even thought his work was that of Marcus Rowland.

The closest I got was for The Perfect Costume, where I said
Plan C is that I guess that this particular piece was written by Lara Joelle Kent, simply because I think this author was being trickier than most and this piece doesn't match her style.
Which is code talk for, "I haven't got a clue, but I haven't guessed her, yet." dizzy I thought she had written two pieces since I thought the other matched her style more. Of course, that was really Woody.

I hope it makes ya'll feel really smart to have me around.
