I guess stories are not magically transported from here to there then.
No, that's right, Mona. Here in FoLCdom, we've never gone in for automatic archiving, as a lot of other fandoms do with their fanfic. There are many out there where if the authors don't want their stories archived on various sites, they have to specify on the story itself which sites they allow or that they don't allow any.

I guess we never did that because we put in that extra level that few other fandoms do - we pass all submitted stories to an editor to polish up the grammar, punctuation, typos before they're uploaded. And that seems to be something that needs the participation and consent of the author. We've never felt that we could just go do that without their involvement.

Plus, we've always been kind of hot generally in FoLCdom about the author's rights and I think the feeling was, too, that it was a right of theirs to decide where their stories ended up being posted and that they should actively choose to submit a story, rather than having to opt out of having it done for them.

Years ago, the link between the boards and the Archive was much stronger and most stories made their way there, but over time things have loosened up and it's not so 'automatic' anymore.

We have been aided in that though just in the last couple of years by one of the Index Crew, who now very kindly sends me a list in January of all the stories posted on the mbs but not submitted to the Archive for the previous year. I've had great success mailing the authors and reminding them that their stories would be welcome if they care to submit them, with most of the list being submitted then. Which is really cool! laugh Not only does it net us those missing stories, but it's a lovely boost at the start of the year to get a large pile of stories submitted at once in a month that's usually very quiet.

Reminds me - I found one on the fanfic index that I never submitted...
What?! Carol! I'm shocked! Shocked and appalled, I tells ya! How could you be so mean, depriving that poor Archive like that? Shame on you! Shame! (I need a wagging finger icon here)

You'll get it soon Labby
Thanks! laugh

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers