I'd assume it'd be some kind of advanced MacGuyverism. I don't think they normally ride around with weapons. If they needed to ride to the rescue, I think they'd just cobble something together out of what they had handy in their labs.

"Weapon, weapon... Hmm... Well, I've got that laser I've been using for the spectroscopy tests..."

"That's something. Hey, I bet we could modify it using the magnetron from the break room microwave..."

(Or, come to think, that might take too much time. Then again, it is STAR Labs...)

"Hey, guys... I bet we could use my trash can."

"Your trash can?"

"Yeah. It's a matter disintegrator. I rigged it together a while back. Saves landfill space, you don't have to buy trash bags, and it's much more effective than a paper shredder."

"Huh. Good idea. And I bet we could do something with that mouse trap I've been working on. If we could increase the amplitude on the electrostatic stun pulse emitter..."

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.