DS was 30 days early [35weeks, 5 days]. Part of the problem [according to my OB] is that they don't have the reserves a more full term baby does. Even though labor was just under 5 hours, by the time they broke my water, 30 minutes before he was born, he'd already used all of his energy reserves and couldn't hold his heart rate during contractions. It was down in the 60s and 70s during contractions for about 10 minutes before he was born. They gave him oxygen for about 30 seconds or so after he was born.

He also had trouble keeping his temp up for about 24 hours - completely normal problem to have - they kept him in a warmer for part of that time and we kept him wrapped up well when he was with us. He was a little jaundiced at his 5 day check but was fine at 12 days. DD2 had the same problem with her temp when she was born and she was 3 weeks early.

They did tell us when he was born that even though he was breathing fine then, that he could have problems later [as in the next couple of hours] since he didn't have those energy reserves etc.

He was 6lbs, 6oz and 21 inches long - so he's got little bird legs. Long and skinny - like his grandpa [my dad is 6'3" and wasn't over about 220 ever until a few years ago in his late 50s].

As far as problems that might occur... you might think about RSV. Babies born before 36 weeks are much more susceptible [okay did I spell that right?] to RSV which can easily require hospitalization etc. For older babies, later gestational age I mean, it would be a cold is my understanding, but with preemies, it can turn into something worse. There is a 'vaccine' [not a true vaccine but rather antibodies introduced into the baby's system] that is given once a month during cold and flu season but is VERY expensive [about $2000/shot IIRC, and not always covered by insurance] that is supposed to help prevent but doesn't always. A friend with a 31.5 weeker did the shots but she got RSV anyway. To go along with that, we're supposed to be very careful about having him in the 'general population'. We can take him to Sunday school with us [about 30 people] but have to be careful passing him around and CANNOT put him in the nursery and they really don't want us to take him to 'big church'.

Here's some links to RSV if that might be what you're looking for:
RSV info center
Kid\'s Health

I just google'd RSV and tons of stuff came up.
