Okay, here's my question. If a baby is born at eight months, can he or she be totally healthy or do they always have to have some sort of treatment? And if so, what kind of treatment?

And what kind of problems would the doctors be on the lookout for?

Related to that, if a woman goes into the hospital at seven and a half months, would the doctors try to prevent her from having the baby until she was further along? And if so, how might they do this?

And could a baby born at eight months seem healthy at first and then have problems? And if so, what kind of problems and when might they manifest themselves?

I tried researching this on the internet, but I ended up finding so much stuff that it was really hard to narrow it down to what I was looking for. So your help would be appreciated.


ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane