Weekly Reading Suggestion Thread

Okay guys, I always see people asking for reading suggestions and I often times see the same stories being suggested over and over. Not that this is bad (I love those stories too) but I also think there are a lot out there that don’t get suggested sometimes. So... I had an idea that will hopefully help people expand their reading on the archive and also give some of us that are bored things to do. So here are the rules to the thread:

1. Anyone can participate. You get one story suggestion per week. It must be LnC related though (of course).

2. You can’t suggest any story that has already been suggested in the thread.

3. If you suggest a story, you have to indicate where you can find the story. Please post a link to it on the archive or let people know what mailing list, board, forum whatever they need to join in order to get access if that is needed.

The idea behind this is that those who are interested will have a small list of stories to read each week. Maybe some of us who have been through the archives a few times will find some new gems. If enough people are interested maybe we could even do mini discussions on those stories in this thread or maybe old feedback threads if there are any on the boards. ^_^ It is totally up to you guys and how excited you actually are about this idea.

So what do you guys think? Good idea? Terrible idea? Should I just go back and hide under my rock?

Week one FDK thread
Week two FDK thread
Week three FDK thread

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!