Next season!
The Prankster: Kyle threatened to kill her a bunch...I think he did try to smother her at the end and she kneed him...He obviously went to jail, but it didn't stick this time. wink

Operation Blackout: That Ryan Wiley guy tried to blow-up the military base, after locking Lois and Molly in the control room. He went to jail.

That Old Gang of Mine: Al Capone and the gang try to drown Lois and Dr. Hamilton in cement, saved by Superman. There's also the "Clark's death" scene, but I don't think they were actually shooting at Lois. The clones went to jail.

A Bolt From the Blue: Don't know if Gretchen was truly planning on killing Lois, but I think given the chance, she would have....

The Eyes Have It: Again, Dr. Leit threatens to kill Lois a lot... blinded and sent to jail.

The Phoenix: Does almost fed to rats count?

Top Copy: Diana tried to kill her at the hospital - threw a knife at her. Diana went to jail after unsuccessfully exposing Clark.

Return of the Prankster: Griffin is much more committed to killing Lois in this one. Chains her to an exploding boiler, and throws her off a roof. Saved by Superman both times. Griffin returns to prison.

Lucky Leon: Lucky Leon almost kills them with an exploding nuclear warhead. He goes to jail.

Resurrection: Bad guy in the cemetery tries to run her over with a bulldozer. Also almost killed by the virus thing at the end. Assuming the bad guys went to prison.

Tempus Fugitive: Does being left in a time period 100 years before you were born count? Even if not, he still tried to shoot her at Rocky Cove. Tempus was gleefully left in 1886 Kansas' Mental Assylum - god, I love irony. <g>

Target: Jimmy Olsen: JIMMY tries to kill her, but under the effects of a drug that should OBVIOUSLY not be available for public consumption. No punishment, cuz he obviously didn't mean it...or maybe he did, maybe Jimmy was just as frustrated with the relationship wackiness and annoying Dan-ness that was going on as the rest of us, and decided to just put Lois out of her misery...sorry, tangent.

And the Answer Is...: Frozen solid by Clark (on the orders of Jace Mazik)...but probably the closest anyone came to ACTUALLY killing her! Strong work, Clark!

Season 3 of "The Continuous Peril of Lois Lane" coming up next.
Jill goofy

Beaker: Special Talents: Scientific assistant, Victim
Last Book Read: "1001 Meeps to a Bigger Vocabulary"
Quote: "Meep! Meep! Meep!"
Never Leaves Home Without: Medical Coverage