Actually what I was going for was the idea that the techs might have the plans in their heads for gadgets, but it would take some time for the infrastructure to even be built to support them. And knowing that, you might choose which technologies to emphasis and which ones to wait - You need the ability to make steel for a plow, but you might want to hold off on building a tractor factory if you can breed oxen or horses to pull that plow. You want the loom, but you don't need a computer controlled jaquard loom. So it's going to be a society with some very primitive aspects and some very complex (and very breakable) aspects. Trade with other worlds could help replenish their tech, but they might be also facing the prospect of becoming a 'third world' nation planet - exporting agricultural and craft products and living off the charity of more advanced worlds.

(For my own version, the complicating factor was that the original colony had fully expected to have support from the home planet for the advanced tech and not only did that fail, but they were stuck with a thousand or so aristocrats they couldn't just ignore as much as they wanted to.)

Big Apricot Superman Movieverse
The World of Lois & Clark
Richard White to Lois Lane: Lois, Superman is afraid of you. What chance has Clark Kent got? - After the Storm