Interesting topic. I agree that when Zara mentioned her thousand, she was talking about households/nobility. I would say that that those people attached to each house would total more like 50-100, making the initial New Krypton population more like 50,000-100,000. Even in medieval times, a noble house would have the population of a small village to support it (farmers, ferriers, tailors, cooks, seamstresses, blacksmith, cooper, etc.) Why wouldn't the New Kryptonians have the equivilent for their society?

To quote Arawn re: Kryptonian AI:
if you have access to AI of this scope that actually can teach or imprint every aspect of the culture on the individual it becomes rather difficult to loose essential information. Given that these people were colonists they should have been amply supplied with the resources and skill sets they needed.

And L&C:s Kryptonians are telepaths besides.
Both of these are good and viable points. The only other thing I would add is that the New Kryptonians had interactions with other alien nations. I don't remember the specifics, but remember that Nor hired an alien assassin to take Kal-El out prior to his arrival on earth. That indicates to me that the NKians had extensive interactions with other worlds. They lived on a barren rock, but perhaps they controlled a very valuable mineral. Over the 30 years Clark's been on earth, they could have maintained or even grown in their technological knowledge through trade.