Originally posted by Arawn:
but you discount Kryptonian AI advancement....So obviously if you have access to AI of this scope that actually can teach or imprint every aspect of the culture on the individual it becomes rather difficult to loose essential information
I just ignore it completely. The L&C universe doesn't show us anything more advanced than the Globe.

All the advanced AIs are in the comics, movies and Smallvile, not L&C.

From "Battleground Earth"

NOR: "Your heritage was preserved for you in the ship you arrived in. Holograms... Writings...
Nope, no AIs, no imprinting.

But that is beside the point it isn't just loss of knowledge, it is a LACK of people to fill the roles.

Even if you could imprint all the knowledge into someone that someone has only so much time. They couold only fill so many roles and that is not even starting on the question of aptitude.
