Originally posted by Tzigone:
it is the EW that makes the OO sound...
like in EWE (the female sheep...!) pronounced thr same as YOU
Not where I'm from (Alabama). Ewe is pronounced like ew (as in "ew - gross"), but less drawn-out and does not sound like you. Nor does ewe or new rhyme with moo, which does sound like you.
If EW (Gross) doen't rhyme with MOO... what does it rhyme with?
"Oh!"?.... Ahh"?.....?????
to me Ew (Gross) sounds like OOOH!! (or something)

A friend of mine is studying a master's in education... a part of which she is studying the SPALDING method for teaching literacy.... very similar to phonics, except more structured, and not at all the whole language method (no comment on either efficacies)...
NE way the thing is based on American phonetics... except You guys have such differing pronounciations throughout your country, that I have no Idea where Dr Spalding arived at his final choice....
In the instruction manual, the teacher is told to choose out of a list of pronounciations for the vowel sounds depending on local variations... it is very confusing

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