I never expected this kind of response.

Jojo - oh the pressure! Blow you away? Ack! I hope so... ;-) Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Lisa - Girl, you are good. I've been meaning to e-mail you and ask why I haven't received part 2 of the story you sent me - way back when... And I do hope you enjoy the results...

Hi Nancy! Thanks!

Awww Jackie! Thanks. blush

Yvonne - don't worry... I've already told Sue the EXACT same thing. And she has assured me (and shown me) that she is busy writing part 4.

Hi Terry! No blueberry pancakes? <me sniffles> I am sorry to report that posting may take a little longer than I initially thought. I sent everything I had written to Sue - plus an outline of the story and then gave her Carte Blanche to make any changes/suggestions she wanted. So she did some research and consulted her muse and e-mailed me back this huge long e-mail, which I then read and consulted my muse on and sent her a long e-mail back... We are in major creative banter right now and so part 2 may take a little bit...

<DJ cries for loss of blueberry pancakes>

Ack! Don't you dare give DSDragon our share of the pancakes! ;-)

Thanks everyone! Bare with us on the rewrite - I am POSITIVE it will be worth the wait. :-)

-- MR angel-devil

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.