Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Matrix 50 First Revelations -- UPDATE on story... - 12/01/06 03:26 PM
Hello everyone! DJ and Sue here to discuss future plans for 50 First Revelations.

Sue, if you don't mind, I'm gonna go first - so I can tell it how it really happened. laugh

As you all know, Sue is my wonderful beta reader (not to mention a totally awesome writer herself - ever heard of Faustian Bargain laugh ) who I constantly feel that I work to death with the endless stream of stories that flow from my fingers... and she is my one and only beta on this particular story, as well.

You all would die laughing if you saw half the funny comments she makes to me in her fdk on my stories. But her fdk is more than just entertaining, most of the time it's inspiring as well. And she has been more than inspiring on this particular story.

She sent me one particularly stimulating e-mail this morning and that's when I realized what I really wanted to do. So after thinking about it, and stewing and fretting over the thought of rejection, I did it. I e-mailed Sue to ask her if she would like to co-author the story with me - trying my best not to sound like an over-zealous groupie in the process.

And guess what? She agreed! <DJ does ecstatic dance in front of her laptop>

So I hope you all don't mind, but the story is going to be delayed slightly. I have 6 or 7 parts written so far but I've only posted the first part (and if Sue decides to make any additions to that part, I'll repost it). So don't forget about it. It will be coming again soon. I didn't want people to wonder what had happened to it if it took me a little longer to post.

Okay, and now I'll turn the floor over to Sue. - DJ

This is Sue. Here's what *really* happened. DJ sent me the first draft of the story a couple of weeks ago and wondered if the idea was worth pursuing. It would have been really, really obvious if I had told her "no, that's dumb" and then posted a similar story. So I settled in to read and envy.

And then, this morning she sent me an email with a new little bit for part two. It was awesome. It blew me away. And so, in tribute, I wrote back and confessed that the story had me daydreaming new little scenes and I even was brazen enough to send her a few paragraphs.

I was so relieved (and happy) when she wrote back and wasn't offended by my meddling and then went so far as to ask me if I wanted to co-write it with her. <happy dance>

So I'm along for the ride now. And all I had to do was stand around and do the literary equivalent of asking "are you going to eat that?".

*dies* I can't wait!! ^_^ Very exciting news! I honestly can't wait to see what the two of you come up with. On your own the two of you are amazing... together you are going to blow us all away!
This is awesome.

And I am the teensiest bit jealous. I don't think I will ever be a good enough to write with the likes of the two of you. But, dang it, I am going to enjoy the results!

Cool! This will definately be fun. You two are among the best so I can't wait to see what you'll come up with.



<BR mode on>

/me fixes Sue with a stern gaze: this does not let you off the hook with those vignettes, okay? I don't want to hear any excuses. 'MR needed me to write some more Revelations' is not a valid reason for shirking on your Proof-related duties.

<BR mode off>

Yvonne laugh
This is fine with me, too, as long as you don't delay posting too long. If you do, I will frown at you most severely and limit your intake of blueberry pancakes until you post your (always high-quality) story parts.
Mmmm . . . blueberry pancakes. Can I have some, Terry? :p

I never expected this kind of response.

Jojo - oh the pressure! Blow you away? Ack! I hope so... ;-) Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Lisa - Girl, you are good. I've been meaning to e-mail you and ask why I haven't received part 2 of the story you sent me - way back when... And I do hope you enjoy the results...

Hi Nancy! Thanks!

Awww Jackie! Thanks. blush

Yvonne - don't worry... I've already told Sue the EXACT same thing. And she has assured me (and shown me) that she is busy writing part 4.

Hi Terry! No blueberry pancakes? <me sniffles> I am sorry to report that posting may take a little longer than I initially thought. I sent everything I had written to Sue - plus an outline of the story and then gave her Carte Blanche to make any changes/suggestions she wanted. So she did some research and consulted her muse and e-mailed me back this huge long e-mail, which I then read and consulted my muse on and sent her a long e-mail back... We are in major creative banter right now and so part 2 may take a little bit...

<DJ cries for loss of blueberry pancakes>

Ack! Don't you dare give DSDragon our share of the pancakes! ;-)

Thanks everyone! Bare with us on the rewrite - I am POSITIVE it will be worth the wait. :-)

-- MR angel-devil
Bare with us
/me hastily averts her eyes, not wishing to see either MR or Sue without clothes. wink

/me hastily averts her eyes, not wishing to see either MR or Sue without clothes.
Heh. You have no idea how true that is in my case. <eeeee!> However, I do have a picture of DJ in a hula skirt and some coconuts and she ain't half bad. evil

BTW, Yvonne, speaking of people who are supposed to be writing a story - weren't you working on one? I could have sworn you said something about a tale of angst and suffering or something...
BTW, Yvonne, speaking of people who are supposed to be writing a story - weren't you working on one? I could have sworn you said something about a tale of angst and suffering or something...
I'm also interested in this as well... hyper
Hey Sue! No fair bringing that up! laugh

Yes, I realized the "bare" typo after I posted, but for some reason it just seemed funny, so I left it. Ha ha!

Yvonne. Shame on you. Holding out on us!

<DJ - who's off to send Sue another e-mail with one more thought...>
I've been meaning to e-mail you and ask why I haven't received part 2 of the story you sent me - way back when...
I know, I know! The problem is I keeping re-writing it in my head, completely changing the beginning... but I hope to get you something soon. Thank you for the words of encouragement.

Lisa returns you to your previously scheduled topic.
BTW, Yvonne, speaking of people who are supposed to be writing a story - weren't you working on one? I could have sworn you said something about a tale of angst and suffering or something...
Who, me? Nah, you must have got me muddled up with another Yvonne. I'm the one who writes comedies. wink

Ok, how freaking excited am I.

Hott! I'm looking forward to this like you wouldn't believe!

Who, me? Nah, you must have got me muddled up with another Yvonne. I'm the one who writes comedies.
You must be right because I haven't stopped laughing yet... lol
You're laughing at the latest part I sent you? Excellent! See, everyone? I told you I write comedies. laugh

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