I agree with the people who basically pointed out that as long as we're walked through what leads Superman to kill it's more than acceptable. I haven't read Terry's fic, but I definitely will later on once I get a smidgeon of time. I'm 100% supportive of edgy characterizations, I've said so before--I don't read fanfic to get just another episode of a given series, I see it to get more about the characters explored and to see what people's imaginations are capable of. I admire in fact, those brave authors who take on plots which garner raised eyebrows. I marvel even more when they make them work.

As for getting punished I think what people do to him is anywhere close to what he would do to himself psychologically, were that to happen. Placing the law in there rings a bit like overkill.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan